Emergency Alert Device PRO Model
Price: $68.12
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Product Details
Emergency Alert Device PRO Model: 700

- Emergency alert device
- Automatically contacts 911 (and up to 5 additional phone numbers of your choice - doctor, neighbor, daughter, friend, etc.)
- When button is pressed, the programmed numbers are called - once someone answers, the other calls are terminated
- One press of a button (on a remote pendant or base unit) tells assistance where you are
- No monthly fees
- 3 Emergency buttons (fire/medical/police)
- 1 Help pendant included
- 3 Personalized emergency messages
- 5 Telephone numbers and 911 per emergency
- Controlled speakerphone
- Speaker to monitor responses
- Room monitor
- Battery backup (9V alkaline battery not included)
- 911 Dial is optional
- Connects to your telephone
- Additional modules sold separately: water alert, temperature alert, entry alert, additional pendant
- Not waterproof
- Battery life for the TELEM-PENDANT is about 2 years (if the battery dies, buying a new pendant is recommended because the batteries are difficult to install)
- Works with PBX telephone systems
- White